domingo, 18 de novembro de 2012

How to develop more creative players - Wein, H. (2007)

How to develop more creative players by Wein, Horst (2007) - Soccer Journal Novembro-Dezembro 2007
Docente y colaborador del “Centro de Estudios, Desarrollo e Investigación”
de la Real Federación Espanhola.

"The young players, especially those of 7 to 12 years, should not be pressured by their coach to quickly pass the ball in order to allow a better team play and winning. They frequently should have the opportunity to improvise their play an
d take risks without fearing the possible consequences of having committed a mistake. Unfortunately this no longer exists because winning has become too important, even at the lowest levels! ...

Young players who "treat the ball as their best friend" and often do their own thing frequently are more creative than those who are coach-orientated and accept what the coach demands. To progress in their development of being more and more creative in the soccer game, children should exhibit a certain degree of independence from their coaches.

This is why young players should practice and play as often as possible without the presence of a coach, whose absence allows them to feel more comfortable to explore their innate potential without the fear of criticism when making mistakes

Learning in soccer must be extended, more frequently offering the possibility to think and to learn incidentally and in divergent ways. The coach does not have to impose everything. The coach-player relationship is not a doctor-patient relationship with set prescriptions. 
On most soccer fields, the young players are dominated by instructors who allow relatively little freedom of movement and decision-making to the young players, whose opinions are never taken into account. For the coach it is important to always have everything under control. When a player departs from the norm, he/she often is chastised and told to respect the coach's diretions. Often instructions are given to the players about what to do and how to solve the problems or where to position oneself best on the field. If during a competition the coach does not direct the players, many parents may think the coach is not motivated not is qualified for the work.

In soccer training, as well in school, too much instructions from outside does not favor the personal initiative of the players. Many coaches think for their players instead of stimulating them to thing for themselves."

"Instead of giving fishes to the children, students or players, the parents, teachers and soccer coaches should teach them how to fish"


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